woody and buzz

Bowling balls bowling balls everywhere

Bowling balls  bowling balls everywhere  woody and buzz

upvotes upvotes Everywhere

upvotes upvotes Everywhere  woody and buzz

Terrible Puns Terrible Puns everywhere

Terrible Puns Terrible Puns everywhere  woody and buzz

rumbly tummies rumbly tummies every where

rumbly tummies rumbly tummies every where  woody and buzz

I am glad lotso is finished off

I am glad lotso is
 finished off  woody and buzz

Caillou Caillou everywhere

Caillou Caillou everywhere  woody and buzz

Sausages Sausages everywhere

Sausages Sausages everywhere  woody and buzz

cake cake everywhere

cake cake everywhere  woody and buzz

Pickles Pickles everywhere

Pickles Pickles everywhere  woody and buzz

Schoolhouse rock Schoolhouse rock everywhere

Schoolhouse rock Schoolhouse rock everywhere  woody and buzz
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