
My funny quickmeme collection

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collection views: 1696

i don't always take my women truckin, but when i do it's chicken truckin

  The Most Interesting Man In The World

aint that a bitch

  Confession kid

let me get this right, i'm pretty drunk, if i drive a Peterbilt girls will throw their panties in my window

  drunk baby

i'm pretty drunk, let me get this right, if i drive a Peterbilt girls will throw their panties in my window

  drunk baby

when the dumbass parked across from me at the truckstop leaves his headlights on

  First World Problems

when the dumbass parked across from at the truckstop leaves his headlights on

  First World Problems

when the dumbass across from me at the truckstop leaves his headlights on

  First World Problems

that DOT stopped you right here, right fuckin hear

  Baby Godfather