scumbag radio station

Uses Electro Songs for every single promo Never plays full electro songs

Uses Electro Songs for every single promo Never plays full electro songs  scumbag radio station

people don't want to hear music on the way to work they would much rather hear annoying people telling bad jokes

people don't want to hear music on the way to work they would much rather hear annoying people telling bad jokes  scumbag radio station

never plays a certain artist's music starts playing it after the artist dies

never plays a certain
artist's music starts playing it
after the artist dies  scumbag radio station

all 80's music hits all day only plays wang chung

all 80's music hits all day only plays wang chung  scumbag radio station

"We never play commercials" commercials the entire drive home

Plays shitty music Every fucking day

Plays shitty music Every fucking day  scumbag radio station

Plays beginning of song you love "That song will be up in 10 minutes, folks"

Plays beginning of song you love

50 minutes of uninterrupted music Interrupts music to announce 50 minutes of uninterrupted music

50 minutes of uninterrupted music Interrupts music to announce 50 minutes of uninterrupted music  scumbag radio station

Turn on radio to listen to some tunes before work shitty radio show on every station

Turn on radio to listen to some tunes before work shitty radio show on every station  scumbag radio station

coming up; your favourite song! plays never ending adverts first

coming up; your favourite song! plays never ending adverts first  scumbag radio station
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