scumbag frodo

Too tired to walk - Sam has to carry him for miles Gollum tackles Sam - sprints away like f*cking Usain Bolt

Too tired to walk - Sam has to carry him for miles Gollum tackles Sam - sprints away like f*cking Usain Bolt  scumbag frodo

Takes credit for destroying the ring. Tried to keep it...

Takes credit for destroying the ring. Tried to keep it...  scumbag frodo

Get's mad at Sam for eating all of elf bread wouldn't eat it anyway

Get's mad at Sam for eating all of elf bread wouldn't eat it anyway  scumbag frodo

Walk halfway across Middle earth "Go home sam"

Walk halfway across Middle earth

We made it back to the shire! I'm leaving forever.

We made it back to the shire! I'm leaving forever.  scumbag frodo

LOL You all suck

LOL You all suck  scumbag frodo

Know's the Hobbit trailer is already on Reddit Posts link anyways

Know's the Hobbit trailer is already on Reddit Posts link anyways  scumbag frodo

#YOBO Baggins Gettin' real shit of your shit Frodo

#YOBO Baggins Gettin' real shit of your shit Frodo  scumbag frodo

froyo swaggins

froyo swaggins  scumbag frodo

"I will take the ring to mordor" "Though i do not know the way"

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