scumbag fat girl

Takes 20 minutes for a Disney bus to prepare a ramp for her Gets onto the bus, walks around and tries every seat, then lays down, taking up 4 seats

Takes 20 minutes for a Disney bus to prepare a ramp for her Gets onto the bus, walks around and tries every seat, then lays down, taking up 4 seats  scumbag fat girl

its not my fault i'm fat i suffer from hypothyroidism

its not my fault i'm fat i suffer from hypothyroidism  scumbag fat girl



works on the second floor stairs are closer, goes out of her way to take the elevator

works on the second floor stairs are closer, goes out of her way to take the elevator  scumbag fat girl

calls it an accident Rubs against attractive men with yoga pants

calls it an accident Rubs against attractive men with yoga pants  scumbag fat girl

"I can't eat processed sugar because of my gastric bypass." "Let's get an everything pizza instead."

Tells you you're too skinny Gets offended when you call her too fat.

Tells you you're too skinny Gets offended when you call her too fat.   scumbag fat girl

goes to gym wearing short shorts and mini tank top

goes to gym wearing short shorts and mini tank top  scumbag fat girl

Uses OKcupid As a meal ticket

Uses OKcupid As a meal ticket  scumbag fat girl

I wish I had your disease So I could be thin like you

I wish I had your disease So I could be thin like you  scumbag fat girl
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