scumbag fat girl

Eats KFC for lunch every day "I'm not actually fat, I'm just big boned"

Eats KFC for lunch every day

Girl reaches goal weight "Skinny Bitch"

Girl reaches goal weight

"I'm not fat, I'm just big boned by nature." "Look at that skinny girl, she must be bulimic or anorexic or something!"

might or might not have weight-related health issues still has a right to express her opinion on portrayal of skinny women in the media

might or might not have weight-related health issues still has a right to express her opinion on portrayal of skinny women in the media  scumbag fat girl

this girl has become a victim of extreme and public fat shaming

this girl has become a victim of extreme and public fat shaming  scumbag fat girl

is fat and there's nothing wrong with that

is fat and there's nothing wrong with that  scumbag fat girl

"You should stop drinking" - Good Friend "YOU should stop eating so much" - Fat Shamer

goes to your house uses the toilet

goes to your house uses the toilet  scumbag fat girl

'a double bacon cheeseburger, fries, chicken nuggets, gravy on the side, an apple pie, a strawberry milkshake' 'and a diet coke, i'm on a diet'

'a double bacon cheeseburger, fries, chicken nuggets, gravy on the side, an apple pie, a strawberry milkshake' 'and a diet coke, i'm on a diet'   scumbag fat girl

becomes a meme and is made fun of for being fat tell me again how is this anything new or creative

becomes a meme and is made fun of for being fat tell me again how is this anything new or creative  scumbag fat girl
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