scumbag fat girl

Orders double cheeseburger, fries, onion rings, nuggets, apple pie and a coke. complains that the coke isn't diet

Orders double cheeseburger, fries, onion rings, nuggets, apple pie and a coke. complains that the coke isn't diet  scumbag fat girl

goes out with hot friends makes them go home early because she's not getting attention from guys

goes out with hot friends makes them go home early because she's not getting attention from guys  scumbag fat girl

preaches against body policing and stereotyping based on looks bashes anyone thinner, calls all thin women anorexic, refuses to date fat guys

preaches against body policing and stereotyping based on looks bashes anyone thinner, calls all thin women anorexic, refuses to date fat guys  scumbag fat girl

says to her skinny friends Guys prefer girls with curves

says to her skinny friends Guys prefer girls with curves  scumbag fat girl

is overweight has too high self esteem

is overweight has too high self esteem  scumbag fat girl

meme calls out unhealthy lifestyle, shitty attitude and bad personality still thinks we're making fun of her weight

meme calls out unhealthy lifestyle, shitty attitude and bad personality still thinks we're making fun of her weight  scumbag fat girl

sees you running "run forrest,run!"

sees you running

not every fat person lives off junk food or has health issues

not every fat person lives off junk food or has health issues  scumbag fat girl

"i'm watchin' my figure, so i'll only have one midnight ham."

Carb cycling Monday-Sunday: High Carb Day

Carb cycling Monday-Sunday: High Carb Day  scumbag fat girl
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