scumbag fat girl

sweats butter tears of gravy

sweats butter tears of gravy  scumbag fat girl

"I smoke to keep my weight down" Is still incredibly fat

"I'm a curvy girl" her waist is wider than her hips

i was baptised at sea-world

i was baptised at sea-world  scumbag fat girl

borrows your leggings they are now your sweatpants

borrows your leggings they are now your sweatpants  scumbag fat girl

Invited to pot luck brought nothing and pitched a fit when we denied her a fourth helping.

Invited to pot luck brought nothing and pitched a fit when we denied her a fourth helping.  scumbag fat girl


ARE U MIRIN' MY FATCEPS OF PEACE?  scumbag fat girl

fat girls be like it's baby fat

fat girls be like it's baby fat  scumbag fat girl

30, lives off her parents, doesn't work, eats like a pig, spends more money than her family makes in a month, in a house paid for by her parents, has no children, and throws bigger hissy fits than a 2 year old. Gives out parenting, weight loss, money, and

30, lives off her parents, doesn't work, eats like a pig, spends more money than her family makes in a month, in a house paid for by her parents, has no children, and throws bigger hissy fits than a 2 year old. Gives out parenting, weight loss, money, and  scumbag fat girl

gets her money worth by trading her salad for more fries at restaurants laughs at you for eating your veggies

gets her money worth by trading her salad for more fries at restaurants laughs at you for eating your veggies  scumbag fat girl
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