scumbag fat girl

orders a steak asks for extra ranch dressing

orders a steak asks for extra ranch dressing  scumbag fat girl

over eats never exercises blames weight gain on thyroid

over eats never exercises  blames weight gain on thyroid   scumbag fat girl

is angry because guys don't find her attractive binge eats and complains on tumblr instead of exercising

is angry because guys don't find her attractive binge eats and complains on tumblr instead of exercising  scumbag fat girl

"i'm fat because obesity runs in my family" no one runs in your family

i can't wait for math class so i can talk about pi

i can't wait for math class so i can talk about pi  scumbag fat girl

with her hot girl friends at the club won't let you dance with one. grinds like a maniac

with her hot girl friends at the club won't let you dance with one. grinds like a maniac  scumbag fat girl

wears hat she doesn't like and is rude because she wants scumbag skinny girls to like her

wears hat she doesn't like and is rude  because she wants scumbag skinny girls to like her  scumbag fat girl

I'll have the Garbage Burger with everything on it, loaded fry with ranch on the side, and please add 2 burger patties to that. Give me a Diet Coke with that.

I'll have the Garbage Burger with everything on it, loaded fry with ranch on the side, and please add 2 burger patties to that.  Give me a Diet Coke with that.   scumbag fat girl

eats when no one is looking

eats  when no one is looking  scumbag fat girl

Pizza guy comes to my house 5 times a week OMG! STALKER!

Pizza guy comes to my house 5 times a week OMG! STALKER!  scumbag fat girl
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