scumbag fat girl

prides herself on having big boobs has to wear 4 bras to hold them up

prides herself on having big boobs has to wear 4 bras to hold them up  scumbag fat girl

Criticizes you for not eating carbs Brings doughnuts to your house to tempt you after you work out.

Criticizes you for not eating carbs Brings doughnuts to your house to tempt you after you work out.  scumbag fat girl

Sucks dick to get guy to like her Calls all skinny girls whores

Sucks dick to get guy to like her Calls all skinny girls whores  scumbag fat girl

Gripes about society and magazines reinforcing the idea that skinny girls are sexy and says that it does damage to female self image Will only date tall men.

Gripes about society and magazines reinforcing the idea that skinny girls are sexy and says that it does damage to female self image Will only date tall men.  scumbag fat girl

24 year old single female undisclosed body type

24 year old single female undisclosed body type  scumbag fat girl

big boobs ain't sexy? course they are!

big boobs ain't sexy? course they are!  scumbag fat girl

Walks 15 minutes on the treadmill "I earned this cake"

Walks 15 minutes on the treadmill


I FUCKING LOVE HIP-HOP Juggalette  scumbag fat girl

is a lesbian still eats at chick-fil-a

is a lesbian still eats at 
chick-fil-a  scumbag fat girl

Wakes up too late and complains we ate all the bacon Is on a diet

Wakes up too late and complains we ate all the bacon Is on a diet  scumbag fat girl
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