scumbag fat girl

Weighs 300 lbs insults 500 lbs girl for being fat

Weighs 300 lbs insults 500 lbs girl for being fat  scumbag fat girl

Tries to walk up beach from ocean gets shot with harpoon

Tries to walk up beach from ocean gets shot with harpoon  scumbag fat girl

Complains its genetics dips everything in mayo

Complains its genetics dips everything in mayo  scumbag fat girl

Why do you only date skinny girls? You are so shallow!! Refuses to date any guy that isn't built like a brick shit house

Why do you only date skinny girls? You are so shallow!! Refuses to date any guy that isn't built like a brick shit house  scumbag fat girl

Two for me none for you

Two for me none for you  scumbag fat girl

I can eat as much popcorn as i want corn is a vegetable

I can eat as much popcorn as i want corn is a vegetable  scumbag fat girl

No seats available "shares" one with you

No seats available

thinks shes fyne ugliest bitch alive

thinks shes fyne ugliest bitch alive  scumbag fat girl

Drinks two large drinks from Starbucks a day Has no idea why she is fat

Drinks two large drinks from Starbucks a day Has no idea why she is fat  scumbag fat girl

"I can't believe you smoke, that's such a disgusting and unhealthy habit! Don't you care about your health?!" Overeats, is over 300 lbs, eats nothing but fatty foods, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, high cholesterol, multiple heart attacks

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