scumbag fat girl

complains that men are shallow and only like attractive girls always posts pictures of attractive guys

complains that men are shallow and only like attractive girls always posts pictures of attractive guys  scumbag fat girl

Complains about how skinny girls are unrealistic To her skinny friends

Complains about how skinny girls are unrealistic To her skinny friends  scumbag fat girl

teased mercilessly all weekend we land on mars, gets jealous because no one is paying attention to her anymore

teased mercilessly all weekend we land on mars, gets jealous because no one is paying attention to her anymore  scumbag fat girl

Beats you to the check-out line Takes the last 5 snickers bars

Beats you to the check-out line Takes the last 5 snickers bars  scumbag fat girl

"Diet soda is horrible for your body" drinks big gulp drinks of sugar filled coke

"this guy on the bus said I look like kate upton once" tries to prove it by doing the cat daddy in a bikini

Makes you a sandwich Eats it

Makes you a sandwich Eats it  scumbag fat girl

puts in her singles ad on craigslist that she blond and works as a model doesn't tell you she's a "hand model" and weighs 300 lbs

puts in her singles ad on craigslist that she blond and works as a model doesn't tell you she's a

Has salad for lunch with more bacon in it than vegetables "eating healthy just doesn't work for me"

Has salad for lunch with more bacon in it than vegetables

Uses cheat codes, for Wii Fit.

Uses cheat codes, for Wii Fit.  scumbag fat girl
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