scumbag fat girl

Keeps feet up on your chair even after you sit down

Keeps feet up on your chair  even after you sit down  scumbag fat girl

"Kids these days are so rude and uneducated..." "You're supposed to give up your seat up to the dissabled"

Gets a gym membership Spends more time writing about the gym on Facebook than in the gym

Gets a gym membership Spends more time writing about the gym on Facebook than in the gym  scumbag fat girl

STANDS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAIRS WITH OTHER Fattys expects you to squeeze by

STANDS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAIRS WITH OTHER Fattys  expects you to squeeze by  scumbag fat girl

Is a meme at extremely low resolution Still gets upset when you comment about its file size

Is a meme at extremely low resolution Still gets upset when you comment about its file size  scumbag fat girl


FATTIES GONNA FAT  scumbag fat girl

"those skinny preppy girls are such whores" fucks every guy she knows

"If I don't get hit on, no one gets hit on"

i'm not ashamed of my curves no full body pics

i'm not ashamed of my curves no full body pics  scumbag fat girl

does a lot of complaining about being overweight and single and does absolutely nothing else

does a lot of complaining about being overweight and single and does absolutely nothing else  scumbag fat girl
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