scumbag fat girl

makes fun of girls in bikinis goes swimming with her shirt on

makes fun of girls in bikinis goes swimming with her shirt on  scumbag fat girl

is unable to complete her job in 8 hours uses her fatness as an excuse

is unable to complete her job in 8 hours uses her fatness as an excuse  scumbag fat girl

grr there's nothing wrong with large sizes especially when it comes to meals

grr there's nothing wrong with large sizes especially when it comes to meals  scumbag fat girl

Knows she's fat tries to make up for it by being a slut

Knows she's fat tries to make up for it by being a slut  scumbag fat girl

Orders supersized big mac meal With a diet coke

Orders supersized big mac meal With a diet coke  scumbag fat girl

Quiet room mouth-breather

Quiet room mouth-breather  scumbag fat girl

uses food stamps to buy junk food taxpayers pay for her medical access due to obesity related illnesses

uses food stamps to buy junk food taxpayers pay for her medical access due to obesity related illnesses  scumbag fat girl

Gets hit on by a black guy Thinks she's hot.

Gets hit on by 
a black guy Thinks she's hot.  scumbag fat girl

She eats a double cheeseburger Your health insurance premiums double

She eats a double cheeseburger Your health insurance premiums double  scumbag fat girl

Calls you ugly "how dare you call me fat!? i don't choose what i am!"

Calls you ugly
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