scumbag fat girl

Calls herself fat Throws a fit if you agree

Calls herself fat Throws a fit if you agree  scumbag fat girl

Grizzly Bear Sized Excrement

Grizzly Bear Sized Excrement  scumbag fat girl

goes swimming in a bikini almost gets harpooned by sailor

goes swimming in a bikini almost gets harpooned by sailor
  scumbag fat girl

"guys don't find me attractive. they're so shallow!" what the fuck do you expect you fat whale? no girl finds me attractive because of my unchangeable facial structure and social awkwardness, no matter what i do, so get the fuck over it or lose weight you

Whines about how two people asked if she was pregnant in one day throws a bitch fit to her boyfriend when he doesn't buy cookie crisp cereal

Whines about how two people asked if she was pregnant in one day  throws a  bitch fit to her boyfriend when he doesn't buy cookie crisp cereal  scumbag fat girl

See's a brand new box of little debbie's meant for the whole family hides them in her room and eats them all.

See's a brand new box of little debbie's meant for the whole family hides them in her room and eats them all.  scumbag fat girl

I'm a 36-24-36 her forearm, neck, and thigh!

I'm a 36-24-36 her forearm, neck, and thigh!  scumbag fat girl

asks to try your food at a restaurant threatens to kill you if you touch her french fries

asks to try your food at a restaurant threatens to kill you if you touch her french fries  scumbag fat girl

complains about how fat she is brings cupcakes to the office, forces everybody to eat one

complains about how fat she is brings cupcakes to the office, forces everybody to eat one  scumbag fat girl

used Myspace Angles Fooled no one

used Myspace Angles Fooled no one  scumbag fat girl
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