scumbag fat girl

Talks shit about girl ordering cake after finishing her own second big mac

Talks shit about girl ordering cake after finishing her own second big mac  scumbag fat girl

Exercise? You mean like walk to Mc Donalds?

Exercise? You mean like walk to Mc Donalds?  scumbag fat girl

doesn't bathe

doesn't bathe  scumbag fat girl

Likes Finn Claims he only wants her for her lumps.

Likes Finn Claims he only wants her for her lumps.  scumbag fat girl

Eats all her fruits and vegetables Apple pie and carrot cake

Eats all her fruits and vegetables Apple pie and carrot cake  scumbag fat girl

My tits Have tits

My tits Have tits  scumbag fat girl

Let's out a really loud wet sounding fart Wafts it towards your face with her hand "does this smell bad?"

Let's out a really loud wet sounding fart Wafts it towards your face with her hand

calls everyone skinny cries if someone calls her fat

calls everyone skinny cries if someone calls her fat  scumbag fat girl

Goes to the gym wears yoga pants

Goes to the gym wears yoga pants  scumbag fat girl

Skips hour long line, rides wheelchair through the handicapped entrance. Stands up, walks to seat.

Skips hour long line, rides wheelchair through the handicapped entrance. Stands up, walks to seat.  scumbag fat girl
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