scumbag fat girl

Uses handicapped parking spot

 Uses handicapped parking spot  scumbag fat girl

"im fat because obesity runs in my family" no one runs in your family

stands in doorway of store to check phone/docket/yell at kids/scratch her ass

stands in doorway of store to check phone/docket/yell at kids/scratch her ass  scumbag fat girl

constantly criticizes you for trivial things at the office regularly calls in sick due to being morbidly obese

constantly criticizes you for trivial things at the office regularly calls in sick due to being morbidly obese  scumbag fat girl

gets on your back for not finding fat girls attractive thinks she's too good for fat guys

gets on your back for not finding fat girls attractive thinks she's too good for fat guys  scumbag fat girl

"I wasn't really that hungry." "So I just went to McDonald's and got two double cheesburgers."

IS fat Thinks she's hot

IS fat Thinks she's hot  scumbag fat girl

eats all your food in plain sight denies it

eats all your food
in plain sight denies it  scumbag fat girl

" weight train?" "No, I don't want to get all big and bulky"

Eats small salad with coworkers at lunch Devours twelve Whoppers, eight large fries, and a large diet Coke at home

Eats small salad with coworkers at lunch Devours twelve Whoppers, eight large fries, and a large diet Coke at home  scumbag fat girl
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