scumbag fat girl

Constantly calls Korean manager chow Gets pissed when you call her precious

Constantly calls Korean manager chow Gets pissed when you call her precious  scumbag fat girl

Is not attractive

 Is not attractive  scumbag fat girl

Uses handicap cart Because she runs out of breath just walking

Uses handicap cart Because she runs out of breath just walking  scumbag fat girl

"I want an athletic, sexy, muscular man with hot swagger and knows how to treat a woman right." Settles for tiny Hispanic man.

"But Doctor, I am trying so hard to lose weight!" Demands extra butter from the nurses every day.

You're so HOT! You should post to /r/ladyboners

You're so HOT! You should post to /r/ladyboners  scumbag fat girl

Makes you leave the club. She's tired Drives to Denny's

Makes you leave the club. She's tired Drives to Denny's  scumbag fat girl

Goes on and on about how terrible body-shaming is "God I hate skinny bitches!"

Goes on and on about how terrible body-shaming is

Can't find pants that fit Complains to a manager that their store is prejudice

Can't find pants that fit Complains to a manager that their store is prejudice   scumbag fat girl

Her Milk shakes brings all the boys to the yard Drinks them all without sharing

Her Milk shakes brings all the boys to the yard Drinks them all without sharing  scumbag fat girl
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