scumbag fat girl

complains how much fat she is declines invitation to biggest loser

complains how much fat she is declines invitation to biggest loser  scumbag fat girl

someone brings A dozen donuts for 10 employees Eats 3

someone brings A dozen donuts for 10 employees Eats 3  scumbag fat girl

makes fun of people all the time because of what they look like cries whenever someone calls her fat

makes fun of people all the time because of what they look like cries whenever someone calls her fat  scumbag fat girl

gives you advice on eating healthy

gives you advice on eating healthy  scumbag fat girl

Has a hot friend you're trying to get with Twat-swats

Has a hot friend you're trying to get with  Twat-swats  scumbag fat girl

Doesn't know what is making her fat "Is it all the running?"

Doesn't know what is making her fat

needs a favor from you has her hot friend ask you for it

needs a favor from you has her hot friend ask you for it  scumbag fat girl

Never gets laid in college Comes back to be Greek disciplinarian to make sure no one can have fun in college

Never gets laid in college Comes back to be Greek disciplinarian to make sure no one can have fun in college  scumbag fat girl

hits the gym sits and does leg exercises for 50 minutes

hits the gym sits and does leg exercises for 50 minutes  scumbag fat girl

Asks friend to take bikini photos of her on the lake Verbally abuses photographer and blames camera angles when photos come out accurately disgusting

Asks friend to take bikini photos of her on the lake Verbally abuses photographer and blames camera angles when photos come out accurately disgusting  scumbag fat girl
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