scumbag fat girl

uploads new picture on facebook black and white, 4 instagram filters, duck face, face only, no body parts

uploads new picture on facebook black and white, 4 instagram filters, duck face, face only, no body parts  scumbag fat girl

This black guy totally hit on me

This black guy totally hit on me   scumbag fat girl

meat is for men, bones are for dogs. FAT

meat is for men, bones are for dogs. FAT  scumbag fat girl

Breaks couch Doesn't pay for it

Breaks couch Doesn't pay for it  scumbag fat girl

Knows she's fat tries to make up for it by having the most annoying personality

Knows she's fat tries to make up for it by having the most annoying personality  scumbag fat girl

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes! gross, look at the skeletons in this magazine!

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes! gross, look at the skeletons in this magazine!  scumbag fat girl

thinks that her tattoos are sexy

thinks that her tattoos are sexy  scumbag fat girl

Lost cat Found in between butt cheeks

Lost cat Found in between butt cheeks  scumbag fat girl

says guys will date her for her personality has awful personality

says guys will date her for her personality has awful personality  scumbag fat girl

EATS ALL THE homemade PUMPKIN PIE AT THANKSGIVING complains it's not as good as store-bought

EATS ALL THE homemade PUMPKIN PIE AT THANKSGIVING  complains it's not as good as store-bought  scumbag fat girl
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