sad gym rat

added weight training found out there was homework

added weight training found out there was homework  sad gym rat

ITT Fit people's problems

ITT Fit people's problems  sad gym rat

Tells friends he Bench Pressed 100 KG today finds out the weights are in pounds not kg

Tells friends he Bench Pressed 100 KG  today finds out the weights are in pounds not kg  sad gym rat

curls 60lb dumbbells struggles to a open pack of gummi bears

curls 60lb dumbbells struggles to a open pack of gummi bears  sad gym rat

Had a Rest Day Feel So Small & Weak

Had a Rest Day Feel So Small & Weak  sad gym rat

Elevator broken at gym on second floor leg day

Elevator broken at gym on second floor leg day  sad gym rat

Brand New Bars Bends one on first squat workout

Brand New Bars Bends one on first squat workout  sad gym rat

Trains to look like ar because those yoga pants

Trains to look like ar because those yoga pants  sad gym rat

Not allowed to use chalk Can`t do heavy deadlift sets

Not allowed to use chalk Can`t do heavy deadlift sets  sad gym rat

Nothing hurts my eyes more than watching people bicep curl in the squat rack

Nothing hurts my eyes more than watching people bicep curl in the squat rack  sad gym rat
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