rape sloth

You know how I like my women? Short, blonde, and named Kelsey

You know how I like my women? Short, blonde, and named Kelsey   rape sloth

Do you like pancakes? How about Ihop on dat ass

Do you like pancakes? How about Ihop on dat ass  rape sloth

You people who make up the rape sloth are disgusting, you are what's wrong with this world...hell is where you should be

You people who make up the rape sloth are disgusting, you are what's wrong with this world...hell is where you should be   rape sloth

You can call me a terrorist 'Cuz I'm gonna bomb dat ass.

You can call me a terrorist 'Cuz I'm gonna bomb dat ass.  rape sloth

Ever heard of opam gangnam style? Well I'm gonna rape you open condom style

Ever heard of opam gangnam style? Well I'm gonna rape you open condom style   rape sloth

Nice bathing suit kristan Shame if the hot tub jets were to rip it off

Nice bathing suit kristan Shame if the hot tub jets were to rip it off  rape sloth

so your river is running red? it's okay. i'll take the dirt road

so your river is running red?
 it's okay. i'll take the dirt road  rape sloth

Frosted Flakes, are more than good~ they're rape!!!

Frosted Flakes, are more than good~ they're rape!!!  rape sloth

What rhymes with Jesse Rape

What rhymes with Jesse Rape  rape sloth

You know what else I love Rape

You know what else I love Rape  rape sloth
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