Notices a shy kid in class Makes a big deal about how little he talks

Notices a shy kid in class Makes a big deal about how little he talks  Scumbag Steve

about to order at drive-thru better practice ordering while i wait

about to order at drive-thru better practice ordering while i wait  Socially Awkward Penguin

Leaves you messages Out of her hair

Leaves you messages Out of her hair  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Can't decide between your or you're? Use UR, then ur right no matter what

Can't decide between your or you're? Use UR, 
then ur right no matter what  Malicious Advice Mallard

the safe word is will you marry me

the safe word is will you marry me  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Ask girl on date, she answers "why not?" Actually gives her a valid reason not to go

Ask girl on date, she answers

what if the purpose of college is not to actually teach you anything but rather to force you into working by giving you student debt to pay off

what if the purpose of college is not to actually teach you anything but rather to force you into working by giving you student debt to pay off  conspiracy keanu

So you're telling me you use your internet to complain about the internet?

So you're telling me you use your internet to complain about the internet?  Skeptical Third World Kid

When people talk about my driving... But did you die?

When people talk about my driving... But did you die?  Mr Chow

Sorry Couldn't Grade Your Test I Wanted to Enjoy my Break Assigned two Projects over break

Sorry Couldn't Grade Your Test I Wanted to Enjoy my Break Assigned two Projects over break  Scumbag Teacher