Therapist: Tell me the biggest thing you accomplished this week. Me: I made it to the front page of reddit! Therapist: What's reddit? Me: The thing preventing me from accomplishing anything else.

Therapist: Tell me the biggest thing you accomplished this week.
Me: I made it to the front page of reddit! Therapist: What's reddit?
Me: The thing preventing me from accomplishing anything else. - Therapist: Tell me the biggest thing you accomplished this week.
Me: I made it to the front page of reddit! Therapist: What's reddit?
Me: The thing preventing me from accomplishing anything else.  Socially Awkward Penguin




Reads another socially awkward penguin meme.. oh god, i've done every single one..

Reads another socially awkward penguin meme.. oh god, i've done every single one..

realise there's food on my face lunch was two hours ago

realise there's food on my face lunch was two hours ago

talking to female customer service rep on the phone says 'i love you' at the end of call due to force of habbit from talking with mom all the time

talking to female customer service rep on the phone
 says 'i love you' at the end of call due to force of habbit from talking with mom all the time

Friends Make plans in front of you and dont invite you pretend like you didnt hear them

Friends Make plans in front of you and dont invite you pretend like you didnt hear them

female cashier catches coin that I dropped on first bounce "Nice Snatch"

female cashier catches coin that I dropped on first bounce

Get teeth cleaned by cute dentist Burp in her face

Get teeth cleaned by cute dentist Burp in her face

See a girl you like on facebook chat log off she might think you spend all day on facebook

See a girl you like on facebook chat  log off she might think you spend all day on facebook

Can hear self chewing Chew slower because everyone else might hear it too

Can hear self chewing Chew slower because everyone else might hear it too

Gets off elevator at the wrong floor keeps walking as if the right floor

Gets off elevator at the wrong floor keeps walking as if the right floor
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