squeezed GOP leaders or politicians up for re-election from reneging on their backing of Trump. If they do so now, it will look like they’re taking instructions from the malicious Obama. If they stand firm, likelier than ever now that Obama has spoken up,

squeezed GOP leaders or politicians up for re-election from reneging on their backing of Trump. If they do so now, it will look like they’re taking instructions from the malicious Obama. If they stand firm, likelier than ever now that Obama has spoken up, -   overly manly man


what do I have next to my steak? my other steak

what do I have next to my steak? my other steak

Giant redwoods? you mean toothpicks?

Giant redwoods? you mean toothpicks?

How many push-ups can I do? All of them

How many push-ups can I do? All of them

Push ups? You mean earth downs?

Push ups? You mean earth downs?

If humans are God's arms and legs I must be his penis

If humans are God's arms and legs I must be his penis

My best vacation? France, 1944

My best vacation? France, 1944

I drink Bud Light When I am trying to sober up

I drink Bud Light When I am trying to sober up

You sleep with your phone? when i was your age i slept with girls

You sleep with your phone? when i was your age i slept with girls

I survived the Depression, D-Day and lung cancer You will survive your girlfriend dumping you

I survived the Depression, D-Day and lung cancer You will survive your girlfriend dumping you

We had a study abroad when I was a kid... We called it Vietnam

We had a study abroad when I was a kid... We called it Vietnam
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