Para la que ha sido mi amiga, mi defensora, mi conpinche, mi confidente...but best of all MY SISTER!!!!

Para la que ha sido mi amiga, mi defensora, mi conpinche, mi confidente...but best of all MY SISTER!!!! - I DON'T ALWAYS WISH PPL A HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUT WHEN I DO... I SAY MAY THIS DAY BE HAPPIER QUE EL DIA QUE LE QUITAMOS EL RATON AL GATO!!! The Most Interesting Man In The World


I don't always show my friends a video But when I do, I stare at them the whole time to gauge their reactions

I don't always show my friends a video But when I do, I stare at them the whole time to gauge their reactions

I don't always eat breakfast But when I do, I prefer dos eggies

I don't always eat breakfast But when I do, I prefer dos eggies

I don't always make my own lunch But when I do, I forget it at home

I don't always make my own lunch But when I do, I forget it at home

i don't always boast about sleeping with your mom last night, but when I do, it's usually after i lose to you on XBOX live.

i don't always boast about sleeping with your mom last night, but when I do, it's usually after i lose to you on XBOX live.

I don't always go to the dentist But when I do, i brush the shit out of my teeth the night before

I don't always go to the dentist But when I do, i brush the shit out of my teeth the night before

i don't always use internet explorer But when I do, it's because i just installed windows and need to download chrome

i don't always use internet explorer But when I do, it's because i just installed windows and need to download chrome

I don't always wash my hands in a public restroom But when I do, its when someone else is in there

I don't always wash my hands in a public restroom But when I do, its when someone else is in there

I don't always watch women's tennis but when i do, i root for the hotter one to win

I don't always watch women's tennis but when i do, i root for the hotter one to win

I don't always listen to rap in the car but when i do, i turn down the volume when i see a black person

I don't always listen to rap in the car but when i do, i turn down the volume when i see a black person

i don't always do the recycling but when i do, i look like a raging alcoholic

i don't always do the recycling but when i do, i look like a raging alcoholic
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