Para la que ha sido mi amiga, mi defensora, mi conpinche, mi confidente...but best of all MY SISTER!!!!

Para la que ha sido mi amiga, mi defensora, mi conpinche, mi confidente...but best of all MY SISTER!!!! - I DON'T ALWAYS WISH PPL A HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUT WHEN I DO... I SAY MAY THIS DAY BE HAPPIER QUE EL DIA QUE LE QUITAMOS EL RATON AL GATO!!! The Most Interesting Man In The World


I don't always use a scale But when i do, it's before and after a poop Caption 3 goes here

I don't always use a scale But when i do, it's before and after a poop Caption 3 goes here

I don't always see a homeless person with a dog but when I do, I'm more sympathetic towards the dog

I don't always see a homeless person with a dog but when I do, I'm more sympathetic towards the dog

I don't always know when someone is attracted to me But when I do, it's two years later.

I don't always know when someone is attracted to me But when I do, it's two years later.

I don't always find a new show to watch but when i do, i watch every single season within a week

I don't always find a new show to watch but when i do, i watch every single season within a week

I don't always fill song lyrics in i don't know but when i do, i make up similar noises that are not even words

I don't always fill song lyrics in i don't know but when i do, i make up similar noises that are not even words

I don't always check the time on my phone but when i do, i forget to check the time on my phone

I don't always check the time on my phone but when i do, i forget to check the time on my phone

I don't always webcam with someone but when i do, i stare at my self

I don't always webcam with someone but when i do, i stare at my self

I don't always wash my hands after I piss but when i do, it's because someone else is in the bathroom.

I don't always wash my hands after I piss but when i do, it's because someone else is in the bathroom.

I don't always pick up girls at the bar but when i do, it's because she fell

I don't always pick up girls at the bar but when i do, it's because she fell

I don't always find good music but when i do, i blast that shit on repeat till it's ruined

I don't always find good music but when i do, i blast that shit on repeat till it's ruined
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