Para la que ha sido mi amiga, mi defensora, mi conpinche, mi confidente...but best of all MY SISTER!!!!

Para la que ha sido mi amiga, mi defensora, mi conpinche, mi confidente...but best of all MY SISTER!!!! - I DON'T ALWAYS WISH PPL A HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUT WHEN I DO... I SAY MAY THIS DAY BE HAPPIER QUE EL DIA QUE LE QUITAMOS EL RATON AL GATO!!! The Most Interesting Man In The World


I don't always get visitors in my office but when i do, it's right after I fart

I don't always get visitors in my office but when i do, it's right after I fart

I don't always try to synchronize the microwave clock with the oven clock but when i do, it's the longest minute of all time

I don't always try to synchronize the microwave clock with the oven clock but when i do, it's the longest minute of all time

I don't always make pasta but when i do, i make twice as much as i meant to

I don't always make pasta but when i do, i make twice as much as i meant to

I don't always walk around with my blanket draped over my shoulders But when i do, I feel like the lord of winterfell Caption 3 goes here

I don't always walk around with my blanket draped over my shoulders But when i do, I feel like the lord of winterfell Caption 3 goes here

I don't always drink the last of the OJ straight from the carton but when i do, I vastly underestimate the amount that's left

I don't always drink the last of the OJ straight from the carton but when i do, I vastly underestimate the amount that's left

I don't always skype But when i do, I look at myself Caption 3 goes here

I don't always skype But when i do, I look at myself Caption 3 goes here

I don't always get a song stuck in my head But when i do, it's always a pop song that I hate Caption 3 goes here

I don't always get a song stuck in my head But when i do, it's always a pop song that I hate Caption 3 goes here

I don't always turn the radio down while driving But when i do, it's because i'm lost as fuck Caption 3 goes here

I don't always turn the radio down while driving But when i do, it's because i'm lost as fuck Caption 3 goes here

I don't always give a girl an orgasm But when i do, she spits it out Caption 3 goes here

I don't always give a girl an orgasm But when i do, she spits it out Caption 3 goes here

I don't always have sex but when I do it usually ends in an apology

I don't always have sex but when I do it usually ends in an apology
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