La Morte ha creato il Tempo affinché facesse crescere tutto ciò che poi lei avrebbe ucciso

La Morte ha creato il Tempo affinché facesse crescere tutto ciò che poi lei avrebbe ucciso -   Y U No


Facebook friends Y u fall for obvious spam?

Facebook friends Y u fall for obvious spam?

cult followings y u no actual cult?

cult followings y u no actual cult?

Advice animals y u no animals anymore??

Advice animals y u no animals anymore??

Pretty Girl y u no have self confidence?

Pretty Girl y u no have self confidence?

Advice Animals y u all humans?

Advice Animals y u all humans?

Airport y u no have free internets

Airport y u no have free internets

Sheltering Suburban Mom, y u no see that u hypocritical?

Sheltering Suburban Mom, y u no see that u hypocritical?

Advice God, y u so hypocritical?

Advice God, y u so hypocritical?

Reddit, y u no go down during finals week?!

Reddit, y u no go down during finals week?!

high y u no be all day

high y u no be all day
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