La Morte ha creato il Tempo affinché facesse crescere tutto ciò che poi lei avrebbe ucciso

La Morte ha creato il Tempo affinché facesse crescere tutto ciò che poi lei avrebbe ucciso -   Y U No


Printer y u make shitloads of noises but not print anything?!

Printer y u make shitloads of noises but not print anything?!

Banana in my lunch y u no keep flavor to yourself?

Banana in my lunch y u no keep flavor to yourself?

Elderly professors y u no check your e-mail

Elderly professors y u no check your e-mail

whoever made this template y u no fill the space between my arms blue?

whoever made this template y u no fill the space between my arms blue?

Advice ANIMALS y u no have animals give advice anymore

Advice ANIMALS y u no have animals give advice anymore

I'm a loser, baby y u no kill me?

I'm a loser, baby y u no kill me?

tv/movie actors y u no say goodbye on telephone?

tv/movie actors y u no say goodbye on telephone?

r/trees y u no control world

r/trees y u no control world

Harry Potter Movies Y U NO HAVE PEEVES?

Harry Potter Movies Y U NO HAVE PEEVES?

Slow Drivers y u no stay in right lane

Slow Drivers y u no stay in right lane
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