Oceana Group: leveraging social support to justify their offensive practices #oceanastinks

Oceana Group: leveraging social support to justify their offensive practices #oceanastinks - WELL OF COURSE OCEANA INVESTS IN AND SUPPORTS LOCAL SCHOOLS... HOW ELSE COULD WE MANIPULATE AN ENTIRE COMMUNITY TO PUT UP WITH OUR STENCH? The Most Interesting Man In The World


I don't always screw up massively But when I do, I'm 100% convinced that I'm right

I don't always screw up massively But when I do, I'm 100% convinced that I'm right

I don't always watch movies with my parents but when i do, the first scene is a sex scene

I don't always watch movies with my parents but when i do, the first scene is a sex scene

I don't always go to bed really late But when I do, I am always counting how many hours of sleep I can get

I don't always go to bed really late But when I do, I am always counting how many hours of sleep I can get

I don't always use facebook chat but when I do, people who I don't want to talk to, talk to me.

I don't always use facebook chat but when I do, people who I don't want to talk to, talk to me.

I don't always get a haircut But when I do, I use way too much shampoo the first time i shower

I don't always get a haircut But when I do, I use way too much shampoo the first time i shower

I don't always brush my tongue But when I do, I almost vomit

I don't always brush my tongue But when I do, I almost vomit

I don't always drink beer, But when I do, I'm reminded why I don't.

I don't always drink beer, But when I do,
I'm reminded why I don't.

I don't always get complex math problems wrong But when I do, it's because of simple arithmetic mistakes

I don't always get complex math problems wrong But when I do, it's because of simple arithmetic mistakes

I'm not always running late but when i am, i get stopped by every fucking red light

I'm not always running late but when i am, i get stopped by every fucking red light

I don't always browse reddit on work meetings But when I do, front page is full of nsfw

I don't always browse reddit on work meetings But when I do, front page is full of nsfw
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