"Professor, you wrote that this was a 15-mark question, but you marked it out of 20" "Yeah, that was a "typo", I meant to ask for that in more detail"


spend hours on assignment worth 1 %

spend hours on assignment worth 1 %

derived nuclear fission can't set up powerpoint

derived nuclear fission can't set up powerpoint

Last week of class gives two assignments

Last week of class gives two assignments

speaks incoherently in class docks 30% off your lab because he can't understand what you wrote

speaks incoherently in class docks 30% off your lab because he can't understand what you wrote

DAy you dont show takes attendance for extra credit

DAy you dont show takes attendance for extra credit

"Extra office hours tomorrow I'll be in my office all day" Doesn't show up

Has a Ph.d Can't speak english

Has a Ph.d Can't speak  english

Asks if there are any questions Gets pissed of when somebody asks one

Asks if there are any questions Gets pissed of when somebody asks one

Makes you buy $200 textbook doesnt use it

Makes you buy $200 textbook doesnt use it

"Yeah I'll give you a formula sheet on the final" No formula sheet

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