Sociopath-a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. +(plus) means a good sociopath. There are bad ones(Most members of USA Congress). Sociopath muppets basically is what

Sociopath-a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. +(plus) means a good sociopath. There are bad ones(Most members of USA Congress). Sociopath muppets basically is what  - STEPS TO BECOMING A SOCIOPATH(+) 1. SELF HATRED 2. SELF MASTERY 3. NO CONSCIENCE BECAUSE IT'S CLEAN 4. REALIZE EMOTIONS WEIGH YOU DOWN.  5. MASTERING YOUR ENVIRONMENT. 6. MASTERING OTHER PEOPLE.  Confession Bear


I still think about things I should have said In situations that happened more than five years ago

I still think about things I should have said In situations that happened more than five years ago

I only call my voicemail to get rid of the voicemail icon on my phone

I only call my voicemail to get rid of the voicemail icon on my phone

If you call your parents by their first name i automatically assume you're a brat.

If you call your parents by their first name i automatically assume you're a  brat.

I'm more concerned for my health when i eat mcdonalds than when i smoke or drink.

I'm more concerned for my health when i eat mcdonalds than when i smoke or drink.

I purposely don't poop in the morning So I can get paid to do it at work

I purposely don't poop in the morning So I can get paid to do it at work

I Wear the same Jeans Every day for weeks at a time

I Wear the same Jeans Every day for weeks at a time

I think the abused animal commercials Are sadder than the abused children commercials

I think the abused animal commercials Are sadder than the abused children commercials

I understood Inception The first time I saw it

I understood Inception The first time I saw it

I have more conversations in my head than i do in real life

I have more conversations in my head than i do in real life

If a girl is really hot I automatically assume she's a bitch

If a girl is really hot I automatically assume she's a bitch
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