Who is me

Who is me - STARBUCKS FIVERR Forever Alone


Mistakenly bought an Ipod touch instead of iphone months ago didn't matter

Mistakenly bought an Ipod touch instead of iphone months ago didn't matter

wins two tickets to disney world goes twice

wins two tickets to disney world goes twice

Mobile phone network went down for 2 days Didn't notice

Mobile phone network went down for 2 days Didn't notice

Finds phone six months after losing it no missed calls

Finds phone six months after losing it no missed calls

So many awesome ringtones NO contacts to assign them to

So many awesome ringtones NO contacts to assign them to

Won 2 cinema tickets 2 free movies for me

Won 2 cinema tickets 2 free movies for me

Feels phone vibrate Out of battery

Feels phone vibrate Out of battery

Wake up to five happy birthday emails All automated messages from web forums

Wake up to five happy birthday emails All automated messages from web forums

"The only vagina you've ever seen is when you were born" C-Section

Finally gets friends Season 2 on DVD

Finally gets friends Season 2 on DVD
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