Scumbag Steve

Scumbag Steve -


yells at his mom for not letting his 18-year old friends drink at their house

yells at his mom for not letting his 18-year old friends drink at their house

Girlfriend blows him a kiss catches it and rubs it on his crotch

Girlfriend blows him a kiss catches it and rubs it on his crotch

HAs an amazing Girlfriend Brags about how much he cheats on her

HAs an amazing Girlfriend Brags about how much he cheats on her

Stole your favorite sunglasses without you knowing post a picture on facebook wearing them.

Stole your favorite sunglasses without you knowing post a picture on facebook wearing them.

treats women like shit Always gets the girl.

treats women like shit Always gets the girl.

Yo man you should have been there last night didn't invite you

Yo man you should have been there last night didn't invite you

Asked to sign your yearbook draws a penis

Asked to sign your yearbook draws a penis

Doesn't vote in the election bitches about the president for the next four years

Doesn't vote in the election bitches about the president for the next four years

Complains of being bored doesnt want to do anything and blames you for having bad suggestions

Complains of being bored doesnt want to do anything and blames you for having bad suggestions

Knows you hate incorrectly used memes Politely agrees

Knows you hate incorrectly used memes Politely agrees
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