So I was having a couple of beers with some local milf ex teacher at the Beer Garden only to find out that she used to work as a receptionist at the Chelsea football club and that she had sex with Frank Lampard and that he had a small dingdong.. Interesti

So I was having a couple of beers with some local milf ex teacher at the Beer Garden only to find out that she used to work as a receptionist at the Chelsea football club and that she had sex with Frank Lampard and that he had a small dingdong.. Interesti - GOES FOR A BEER MEETS LAMPARD'S HOOKER Lazy College Senior


No open parking spots No class

No open parking spots No class

Guest Lecturer? Nice, no class.

Guest Lecturer? Nice, no class.

"The lecture slides will be posted online" see you fuckers at finals

Homework worth 10% of grade not worth it

Homework worth 10% of grade not worth it

Rough Draft? run spell check now its my Final Draft

Rough Draft? run spell check now its my Final Draft

wakes up before alarm goes off alarm set to 3 pm

wakes up before alarm goes off alarm set to 3 pm

"Your homework tonight is to read pages 57-112" Nice, no homework.

Slept through 9am class Skips other classes to be fair

Slept through 9am class Skips other classes to be fair

Class starts in an hour guess i should get registered

Class starts in an hour guess i should get registered

Has full plans for zombie apocalypse No idea what he's doing after graduation

Has full plans for zombie apocalypse No idea what he's doing after graduation
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