Rage Against the Machine? People are probably upset just because the vending machine is always out of Mountain Dew.

Rage Against the Machine? People are probably upset just because the vending machine is always out of Mountain Dew. - RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE? PEOPLE ARE PROBABLY UPSET JUST BECAUSE THE VENDING MACHINE IS ALWAYS OUT OF MOUNTAIN DEW. Musically Oblivious 8th Grader


Freddie Mercury? Who is he? A Bruno Mars ripoff?

Freddie Mercury? Who is he? A Bruno Mars ripoff?

thinks she is punk because she listens to green day

thinks she is punk because she listens to green day

I love eminem!!! SLim shady? who is that?

I love eminem!!! SLim shady? who is that?

Have you heard of Nirvana? They do a cover of Smells Like Teen Spirit by Miley Cyrus

Have you heard of Nirvana? They do a cover of Smells Like Teen Spirit by Miley Cyrus

play something real like skrillex

play something real like skrillex

Mick Jagger? Maroon 5 is awesome!

Mick Jagger? Maroon 5 is awesome!

Likes song outside of iTunes top 10 omg i'm such a hipster

Likes song outside of iTunes top 10 omg i'm such a hipster

The Beatles? Such cute cars!!! <3

The Beatles? Such cute cars!!!

Pearl Jam? I prefer Jelly

Pearl Jam? I prefer Jelly

Lamb of god? I don't like christian music

Lamb of god? I don't like christian music
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