Dumb Bay Area Soccer Mom-Duh...

Dumb Bay Area Soccer Mom-Duh... - SURE I'M ROOTING FOR THE 49ERS! I HOPE THEY MAKE IT TO THE WORLD SERIES THIS YEAR! Sheltering Suburban Mom


Calls herself a "stay at home mom" Hires a nanny and maid

Calls herself a

Believes others should work hard to survive Doesn't work

Believes others should work hard to survive Doesn't work

Helps pay for your college brings it up every time she's mad at you

Helps pay for your college brings it up every time she's mad at you

Your video game gave the computer a virus Not the screensavers or cursors I downloaded

Your video game gave the computer a virus Not the screensavers or cursors I downloaded

Thinks White people are more evolved than every other race Doesn't Believe in Evolution

Thinks White people are more evolved than every other race Doesn't Believe in Evolution

Makes you use hand sanitizer Doesn't vaccinate

Makes you use hand sanitizer Doesn't vaccinate

wants kids to be more independent completely controls their lives

wants kids to be more independent completely controls their lives

"You can't believe what you hear on TV" Does everything Oprah says

"One of my friends has a son the same age as you" He's Your new Best friend

Says Harry Potter is too violent Shows you Passion of the Christ instead

Says Harry Potter is too violent Shows you Passion of the Christ instead
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