wakes up early so he has time to shower and eat breakfast more tired; soap slips out of his hands and bounces off shower wall hitting him in the balls. doubled over in pain, hits head on glass shower door and cracks it

wakes up early so he has time to shower and eat breakfast more tired; soap slips out of his hands and bounces off shower wall hitting him in the balls. doubled over in pain, hits head on glass shower door and cracks it  - wakes up early so he has time to shower and eat breakfast more tired; soap slips out of his hands and bounces off shower wall hitting him in the balls. doubled over in pain, hits head on glass shower door and cracks it   Bad Luck Brian


Goes to paradise city grass is brown and girls are ugly

Goes to paradise city grass is brown and girls are ugly

Martyr for Islam 72 virgins were guys

Martyr for Islam 72 virgins were guys

parents get divorced no custody battle

parents get divorced no custody battle

Invited to play strip poker everyone there is male

Invited to play strip poker everyone there is male

gets Laid off

gets Laid off

Tries to get rich dies trying

Tries to get rich dies trying

Face only a mother could love two dads

Face only a mother could love two dads



Immortal sentenced to Life in jail

Immortal  sentenced to Life in jail

Attends Bad Luck Contest 2nd Place

Attends Bad Luck Contest 2nd Place
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