makes you take 40 photos because everyone didn't look perfect ends up putting every single one on facebook anyway

makes you take 40 photos because everyone didn't look perfect ends up putting every single one on facebook anyway - makes you take 40 photos because everyone didn't look perfect ends up putting every single one on facebook anyway  Annoying Facebook Girl


"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." — Marilyn Monroe TL;DNR I'm a cunt

"omg i hate my life!!1" Has friends, loving family and a roof over her head

i only hang out w/guys -- girls are so catty & dramatic is the catty/dramatic girl the cool chicks won't hang out with

i only hang out w/guys -- girls are so catty & dramatic is the catty/dramatic girl the cool chicks won't hang out with

"I'm not like most girls" Is exactly like most girls

Donnie darko was so random! <3

Donnie darko was so random! <3

"srsly, im a huuuge nerd" "HELP! how do i get rid of fb viruses!?!"

let's take a picture of our feet together!

let's take a picture of our feet together!

Countdown to my birthday 189 DAYS!!!!

Countdown to my birthday 189 DAYS!!!!

People need to learn to spell k thankkksss

People need to learn to spell k thankkksss

had a few drinks status: omgggpld imsooijoo druankknk

had a few drinks  status: omgggpld imsooijoo druankknk
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