GF breaks up with me 2 days before leaving on a vacation to Europe the airline feels bad for me, refunds me her ticket

GF breaks up with me 2 days before leaving on a vacation to Europe the airline feels bad for me, refunds me her ticket - GF breaks up with me 2 days before leaving on a vacation to Europe the airline feels bad for me, refunds me her ticket  Success Kid


Asked girlfriend where she wanted to eat She gave a decisive answer

Asked girlfriend where she wanted to eat She gave a decisive answer

Have to babysit a kid Sleeps the whole time, get paid to pet a cat

Have to babysit a kid Sleeps the whole time, get paid to pet a cat

Justin Bieber says he is the Kurt Cobain of his generation we all know how this ends

Justin Bieber says he is the Kurt Cobain of his generation we all know how this ends

Girls you used to date getting pregnant. None are yours.

Girls you used to date getting pregnant. None are yours.

Got a full body massage Didn't pop a boner

Got a full body massage Didn't pop a boner

Carried laundry from laundry room to bedroom without dropping a sock

Carried laundry from laundry room to bedroom without dropping a sock

Got made fun of for wearing sunscreen Only one of my friends who isnt a lobster right now

Got made fun of for wearing sunscreen Only one of my friends who isnt a lobster right now

Got a free beer at the bar. Don't even have boobs.

Got a free beer at the bar. Don't even have boobs.

Air conditioner at work broken Hot co worker takes off shirt and leaves only skimpy tank on

Air conditioner at work broken Hot co worker takes off shirt and leaves only skimpy tank on

Met up with a girl from the internet she is more attractive than in her pictures

Met up with a girl from the internet she is more attractive than in her pictures
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