The tags ripped off of my beanie babies now they will be worthless 10 years from now

The tags ripped off of my beanie babies now they will be worthless 10 years from now - The tags ripped off of my beanie babies now they will be worthless 10 years from now  1990s Problems


If only I had some sort of portable phone so my family won't listen into my conversations

If only I had some sort of portable phone so my family won't listen into my conversations

I wore out the velcro on my Trapper Keeper

I wore out the velcro on my Trapper Keeper

I wish there was a way I could surf the web when I'm not at home

I wish there was a way I could surf the web when I'm not at home

The phone cord isn't long enough to reach the bathroom

The phone cord isn't long enough to reach the bathroom

I want to see which movies are playing But I don't have a newspaper

I want to see which movies are playing But I don't have a newspaper

My TV guide didn't come this month so i don't know what's on tv right now

My TV guide didn't come this month so i don't know what's on tv right now

I fell asleep listening to my discman And my new batteries are dead

I fell asleep listening to my discman And my new batteries are dead

Interviewed for 8 jobs and got all 8 Now I have to call 7 of them back and decline

Interviewed for 8 jobs and got all 8 Now I have to call 7 of them back and decline

I wanna get on the internet but my mom is waiting on an important call

I wanna get on the internet but my mom is waiting on an important call

I wanna call this girl from school but I'm afraid her dad will answer the phone

I wanna call this girl from school but I'm afraid her dad will answer the phone
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