Willing to forgive all of mankind for rape, murder, adultery,theft, speaking his name in vein, and even worshiping other gods upon repentance. not willing to forgive eve for eating a fucking apple

Willing to forgive all of mankind for rape, murder,  adultery,theft, speaking his name in vein, and even worshiping other gods upon repentance.  not willing to forgive eve for eating a fucking apple - Willing to forgive all of mankind for rape, murder,  adultery,theft, speaking his name in vein, and even worshiping other gods upon repentance.  not willing to forgive eve for eating a fucking apple  Advice God


there is one true god and three of me

there is one true god and three of me

Have power to save your child from cancer only do it if you beg hard enough and I feel like it

Have power to save your child from cancer only do it if you beg hard enough and I feel like it

Order people to kills tens of thousands of others; Demand everyone loves you unconditionally.

Order people to kills tens of thousands of others; Demand everyone loves you unconditionally.

demand that people "forgive and forget" send sinners into eternal hellfire

demand that people

"Let there be light" Sun gives you cancer

all powerful needs a day off

all powerful needs a day off

Jesus loves the little children Extend benefit to constituents

Jesus loves the little children Extend benefit to constituents

Create AIDS Forbid condom

Create AIDS Forbid condom

outsources writing of autobiography book makes no sense

outsources writing of autobiography book makes no sense

creates vast dangerous world with thousands of predators, and poisonous plants and animals figure it out

creates vast dangerous world with thousands of predators, and poisonous plants and animals figure it out
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