Tells inside jokes all the time To friends who have no idea what hes talking about

Tells inside jokes all the time To friends who have no idea what hes talking about - Tells inside jokes all the time To friends who have no idea what hes talking about  Socially Awkward Penguin


see classmate at a party talk about current assignment

see classmate at a party talk about current assignment

tell co-worker I have a ride home 45 minute walk

tell co-worker I have a ride home 45 minute walk

Local WalMART gets self-checkout dreams do come true

Local WalMART gets                   self-checkout dreams do come true

Try to take a photo incognito Flash goes off

Try to take a photo incognito Flash goes off

see acquaintance in hall ...recalculating route...

see acquaintance in hall  ...recalculating route...

Try to compliment girl end up insulting her

Try to compliment girl end up insulting her

Is that someone I know? ...nope phew

Is that someone I know?
...nope phew

Professor makes eye contact DURING LECTURE NOD HEAD

Professor makes eye contact DURING LECTURE NOD HEAD

Finally get up the courage to ask out a girl you like She doesn't hear you

Finally get up the courage to ask out a girl you like She doesn't hear you

Hold the door for cute girl Say Thank You

Hold the door for cute girl Say Thank You
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