my dorm room posters really reflect my nonconformity bob marley, fight club, pulp fiction

my dorm room posters really reflect my nonconformity   bob marley, fight club, pulp fiction  - my dorm room posters really reflect my nonconformity   bob marley, fight club, pulp fiction   College Freshman


Fails engineering classes It's okay I'm switching to management

Fails engineering classes It's okay I'm switching to management

Drinks a case of keystone light Tapes box to dorm room wall

Drinks a case of keystone light Tapes box to dorm room wall

"it's different when you have to pay for everything" Parents pay for everything

makes appointment to see instructor outside of office hours doesn't show

makes appointment to see instructor outside of office hours doesn't show

Hates rival college with a passion Didn't know rivalry existed until a week ago

Hates rival college with a passion Didn't know rivalry existed until a week ago

Brings laptop to lecture 50 minutes of facebook

Brings laptop to lecture 50 minutes of facebook

C's Get Degrees

C's Get Degrees

"Yeah, I'm pre-engineering" Can't pass calc i

"I took 6 classes a day in high school, I can do the same in college!" Dies

Complains about pot brownie not kicking in yet eats 2 more

Complains about pot brownie not kicking in yet eats 2 more
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