Rants that all conservatives are closed-minded Immediately assumes that anyone who disagrees with his viewpoints gets their information from fox news

Rants that all conservatives are closed-minded  Immediately assumes that anyone who disagrees with his viewpoints gets their information from fox news - Rants that all conservatives are closed-minded  Immediately assumes that anyone who disagrees with his viewpoints gets their information from fox news  Scumbag Redditor


Downvotes creativity Upvotes Cats

Downvotes creativity Upvotes Cats

Loses argument Downvotes the other persons whole comment history

Loses argument Downvotes the other persons whole comment history

Claims he doesn't care about karma throws a tantrum when people intentionally earn it

Claims he doesn't care about karma throws a tantrum when people intentionally earn it

Incredibly beautiful and touching story username: Satan_mcrape

Incredibly beautiful and touching story username:  Satan_mcrape

Encourages debate and free speech on any subject Mercilessly ridicules others for typos

Encourages debate and free speech on any subject Mercilessly ridicules others for typos

sees neighbor's cat outside steals for karma

sees neighbor's cat outside steals for karma

Thinks it's okay to copy culture free of charge goes batshit insane when someone steals their karma.

Thinks it's okay to copy culture free of charge goes batshit insane when someone steals their karma.

reddit based entirely on inside jokes

reddit based entirely on inside jokes

Promotes blackouts to educate people on SOPA mocks people for not finding out about it it until now

Promotes blackouts to educate people on SOPA mocks people for not finding out about it it until now

Makes fun of hipsters complains whenever a meme gets too big

Makes fun of hipsters complains whenever a meme gets too big
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