Sees a cool facebook post from a couple of seconds ago Waits an hour before liking it so that it doesn't seem like he's on facebook non stop

Sees a cool facebook post from a couple of seconds ago Waits an hour before liking it so that it doesn't seem like he's on facebook non stop - Sees a cool facebook post from a couple of seconds ago Waits an hour before liking it so that it doesn't seem like he's on facebook non stop  Socially Awkward Penguin


Realizes in wrong class five minutes in stays for entire class

Realizes in wrong class five minutes in stays for entire class

Therapist: Tell me the biggest thing you accomplished this week. Me: I made it to the front page of reddit! Therapist: What's reddit? Me: The thing preventing me from accomplishing anything else.

Therapist: Tell me the biggest thing you accomplished this week.
Me: I made it to the front page of reddit! Therapist: What's reddit?
Me: The thing preventing me from accomplishing anything else.

stop at border patrol inspection station "hola"

stop at border patrol inspection station

Gets thirsty at party doesn't want to ask the host for a glass. uses bathroom faucet to get drink

Gets thirsty at party doesn't want to ask the host for a glass. uses bathroom faucet to get drink

notice guy checking out my ass guess my period's started

notice guy checking out my ass guess my period's started

Pooping alone in public bathroom, someone comes in Stop pooping until they leave

Pooping alone in public bathroom, someone comes in Stop pooping until they leave

Gets new hot girlfriend Too scared to have sex

Gets new hot girlfriend Too scared to have sex

Gets nervous when talking to people On Omegle

Gets nervous when talking to people On Omegle

Girl you like comes online plan what to say until she goes offline

Girl you like comes online plan what to say until she goes offline

JOIN meetup groups never go

JOIN meetup groups never go
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