Sneeze while laying in bed watching tv Ab workout complete

Sneeze while laying in bed watching tv Ab workout complete - Sneeze while laying in bed watching tv Ab workout complete  Foul Bachelor Frog


sick. in bed for days, lose 5 lbs, sleep constantly, watch tv being sick is awesome

sick.  in bed for days, lose 5 lbs, sleep constantly, watch tv being sick is awesome

no one else is in the public restroom takes out penis 10 feet before arriving at the urinal.

no one else is in the public restroom takes out penis 10 feet before arriving at the urinal.

Fap with Sportscenter on in the background Stop to watch Top 10 plays

Fap with Sportscenter on in the background Stop to watch Top 10 plays

Need to piss whip it out 10 seconds before entering bathroom

Need to piss whip it out 10 seconds before entering bathroom

Get off computer and go to bed. Lay in bed and surf Internet on phone.

Get off computer and go to bed.  Lay in bed and surf Internet on phone.

feeling sad fap to feel better

feeling sad fap to feel better

someone is coming over spray self with Febreze

someone is coming over spray self with Febreze

stumble into a nsfw subreddit i guess its fap time

stumble into a nsfw subreddit i guess its fap time

cat throws up on the floor wait until someone else notices, act surprised

cat throws up on the floor wait until someone else notices, act surprised

doctor asks for urine, stool, blood, and semen samples hand him your boxers

doctor asks for urine, stool, blood, and semen samples hand him your boxers
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