Feeling lonely? Find woman who is not engaged. Rape her. She is now you're wife.

Feeling lonely? Find woman who is not engaged. Rape her. She is now you're wife. - Feeling lonely? Find woman who is not engaged. Rape her. She is now you're wife.  Advice God


Jesus, you came back sooner than i expected did you teach humanity about science, equality and rationality as we agreed?

Jesus, you came back sooner than i expected did you teach humanity about science, equality and rationality as we agreed?

Says "no sex before marriage" has his only son out of wedlock


there is only one true religion sorry, not available in your area

there is only one true religion sorry, not available in your area

work in mysterious ways mysteriously similar to random chance

work in mysterious ways mysteriously similar to random chance

Told us the earth is flat not really lol

Told us the earth is flat not really lol

Create the Sun to give light upon the earth Invisible UV rays cause skin cancer

Create the Sun to give light upon the earth Invisible UV rays cause skin cancer



infallible Hands out cancer like candy

infallible  Hands out cancer like candy

Bit your tongue while eating? I'm infallible, I wanted you to.

Bit your tongue while eating? I'm infallible, I wanted you to.

knows the future gets angry about stuff that happens

knows the future gets angry about stuff that happens
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