overworked dental student

Oral Path Test the morning after the Super Bowl Looks like I'll be taking a hit on that one

Oral Path Test the morning after the Super Bowl Looks like I'll be taking a hit on that one  overworked dental student

final exam tomorrow clean the apartment for the 2nd time tonight

final exam tomorrow clean the apartment for the 2nd time tonight  overworked dental student

chooses to sleep on couch instead of in bed Because a "2 hour nap" sounds better than "only 2 hours of sleep"

chooses to sleep on couch instead of in bed Because a


I AIN'T NO HOLLENBACK GIRL  overworked dental student

locally generalized moderately slight aggressive periodontitis obviously

locally generalized moderately slight aggressive periodontitis obviously  overworked dental student

Get a 55 on exam. "I am sure everyone did bad...." Class average = 94. shit

Get a 55 on exam.

Asks instructor to eval prep. Says it would fail. Bench instructor did it for you...

Asks instructor to eval prep. Says it would fail. Bench instructor did it for you...  overworked dental student

I have a mnemonic for anatomy: "I am F*cked" It stands for "I am F*cked"

I have a mnemonic for anatomy:

School says we will be treated like professionals more sign-in sheets and attendance checks than undergrad

School says we will be treated like professionals more sign-in sheets and attendance checks than undergrad  overworked dental student

WNL = We Never Looked

WNL =   We Never Looked  overworked dental student
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